Corporate Branding | Strategic

Corporate branding involves building and consolidating the brand's identity, strengthening its position in the market, and establishing a lasting connection with consumers. It is an intense internal work that involves aligning the company globally, including people, processes, and strategies, to stand out against the competition and increase its intangible value.

Return - Long Term


Corporate Marketing | Tactical

Corporate Marketing is dedicated to connecting the company to consumers, promoting solutions that meet their needs, and boosting recognition and immediate sales in the competitive market.

Return - Medium to short term

Self Made Man X Brand Management

With profound respect and admiration for the artist Bob Carlai, I choose to use the image of the sculpture "Self Made Man" as a symbol in my field of brand management. I see no better analogy to represent the challenges and effort necessary to build a strong and resilient brand.


Smoothing the Edges

Just as the "Self Made Man" is sculpted from raw stone, brand management or corporate branding is a process of constantly smoothing edges. Each hammer strike represents a strategic and tactical effort to "shape the brand's identity and positioning in the market." This process is neither simple nor painless. It involves hard work, patience, and resilience, much like creating a masterpiece from a block of stone.

Internal Alignment and Transformation

The statue also symbolizes the importance of internal alignment within a company. For a brand to position itself strongly and cohesively in the market, it is essential that all parts of the company—from employees to processes and strategies—are perfectly aligned and working in harmony. This internal transformation is often challenging and requires dedication, but it is crucial for the brand to stand out.

Resilience and Excellence

The "Self Made Man" is an emblem of resilience and excellence. It reminds us that, in order to achieve a state of perfection and recognition, we need an unrelenting commitment to quality and continuous improvement. In brand management, this commitment translates into the search for strategies that not only achieve immediate objectives, but also build a solid and lasting foundation for the future.